Wow...a lot was accomplished this month! Mike finished fixing the floor in our bedroom, installed hardwood flooring over the radiant tubing in the den and cleared out the insulation in the attic. Mike also used the tractor to grade the road up to the field and plowed a huge garden space in the field.

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Here's the hole in our bedroom floor. It was patched up before and we think this is where the staircase was in the original house.

Mike's removed some of the floor board to feather out the patch job.


This is a photo of Mike's patch job in the works.

Here's the finished floor!

This is the graded road up to the field. All of the ruts are gone now.

Mike found this rug in a disentegrated sack in the attic. It was made by the previous owner out of old pants.

See the pile of wood in the future master bathroom...that will soon be our den floor.

In the process of installing the den floor. All of the boards were different widths, so it took some sorting to get it right.

Mike laid out the hot water heater to see how much space it will take up. This will eventually be hooked up and installed in the mudroom.

The attic -the tongue and groove pine ceiling rained dirt into the room, so we'll put 1" of spay foam to cover the boards.

Another photo of the attic.

Here Mike is in the process of removing insulation from above the two old bedrooms and vacuuming the boards.

The attic after clearing out the insulation.


Here's Mike and Spencer working the field.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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