Here are some images of the property. The land was a major influence for us when we bought this place. Spencer has also taken to the country lifestyle, enjoying every second he spends roaming in the woods and wallowing in the creek.

Here's our back porch the day after the snow.

Here's the creek right beside the house

This is the same creek further up on the property.

Here's a waterfall located behind the house.

Here's the road leading up to the field.

Here's the tractor shortly after it's virgin trip up to the field.

This is an old hunting shack towards the back of the property.


Beautiful scenery on a lovely winters day.

Christmas fern with fall colored leaves.

I can't leave Spencer out, here he is enjoying the property.

Our waterfall with a normal amount of water.

American beech in the fall.


Our waterfall right after a good long rain.

Old hunting shack on the property.

I think these might be Fisher tracks. If you know please sign our guest book, the link is at the bottom of the page.

Here are some turkey tracks.

This site was last updated: April 15, 2007 3:28 PM


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