We're getting to use just about our whole house. The mud-room is still a bit cluttered, but we now have an open dining room and real kitchen and finally after 3 years...a real living room.

master bed

Living Room

guest bed
Dining Room

guest dresser


Once Grace was born, we knew we'd want to have our own bathroom for when guests come to visit. So, Miked worked his butt off and he sure did a nice job.

master bed

Master Bathroom

guest bed
Bath Closet

guest dresser

Bedroom Closet


We've moved yet another time in our house. We got all of our things out of storage and we're now utilizing our bedrooms upstairs. I can't even begin to tell you how nice it is to sleep in our bedroom. It seems like we're staying in a fancy hotel after the squalor we've been living with.

master bed

Our master bedroom! It's so nice to finally sleep in our room.

guest bed

This is the guest bedroom.

guest dresser

Another view of the guest room.

guest bathroom

This is the guest bathroom.


This is the den/living room.

Here's our kitchen, it's not finished, still has a lot of renovation to go.

dining room

The pantry is now out in the dining room...another work in progres.


Gracie's room

This is Grace's room.


We've upgraded, or at least I think we have! We now live in our newly finished den, converted to a bedroom/living room and the kitchen. We also have a new bathroom, which is just waiting for another coat of paint.

Our new bedroom! AKA the den.

Here's the bed, TV/computer and filing cabinet.

The temporary wall separating our space from the demo zone.

Our new shower.


Well, we finally got the walls in and the trim is up! Now we're just working on some finishing touches.

Here's our original living space....we lived like that for nearly a year and a half. Mike's folks came on Memorial day 2005 to help us clean the house and prepare our living area. We had many projects lined up for this weekend. While Sue and I were busy cleaning and putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls, Mike and Ron hooked up our dishwasher, water filter, stove, washer and dryer. It was quite the weekend and I think we were all pretty well beat by the time we were done.

Utility Room - Left

Utility Room - Right

Bedroom/Living Room

Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen Sink

Kitchen Pantry

Under the sink




This site was last updated: October 23, 2008 10:48 PM


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