Things seem to be moving along this month, even with Mike fighting a sinus infection. We ordered spray insulation for the attic and a case of the "great stuff". Mike filled all of the wholes in the exterior walls with the expanding foam, and that seemed to make a real difference. He sistered all of the studs in the living room so that we have a "level" plane to hang the drywall. Then we added a second layer of subflooring. Next, he wired the entire room and finally he hung the insulation. This past weekend, Mike moved all of the equipment back into the living room and we managed to get the radiant floor tubing installed. Next, we installed the subfloor in the den and then patched the wood floor in the spare bedroom.

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Mike reframed the doorway and sistered all of the studs as you see here.

Here is a photo of the wiring Mike did.

Here are the stairs, in use as you can see. Mike covered them up with some protective vinyl so that we don't scratch them up too much.

Here is our first wall with insulation!

The shop has moved once again into the living room.

Here's the den floor just before we installed the radiant tubing.

Here's Mike securing the tubing to the floor.

Here's the tubing is completely installed

This is where the tubing enters and leaves the den.

This was the last step for the radiant installation...two inches of sand to help spread out the heat.

This was the last piece of subflooring laid in the den. It's so nice to have a solid floor to walk on when you're on the way to the bathroom!

Mike sistered the studs on this outside wall so that he could then patch the floor upstairs.

This is the beginning of the patch job. Mike had to remove some floor boards a few joists back, so that the final floor will look nice.

Here the job is nearly done, but boy was it a pain! All of the boards are a different width, so the first step was finding boards that matched up properly.

Here's the final patch job. As you can see on the left side of the photo, we didn't bother to make that look nice, that's because it will be inside a closet for the other spare room.



Mike and Spencer.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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