Another month has passed by, my how fast it goes. Mike started this month with the attic cleared out. He sprayed foam insulation over the wood ceilings in the two front rooms. Then he spread out the original rock wool insulation on top of that, I think he lost a lot of water weight during this job. Mike added a header in the hallway. Then we had his family come to help out...Mom, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa! They were quickly put to work, cooking, cleaning, stripping and installing radiant floor tubing. It was a fast week and we got a lot done...thanks everybody!

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Mike's already sprayed the foam insulation and now he's putting the original rock wool insulation on top of foam.

Here's Mike after working in the attic, his clothes were drenched with sweat and it was maybe only 60 degrees out that day.

Because we opened up the staircase a little bit, Mike had to reframe the doorway coming in to the master bedroom.

I am not sure what happened here, but it seems to be missing a header above the hallway.

Here's the finished job, a new header in the hallway.

Here's three generations all working together to install the radiant floor tubing.

Mike and Dad installing tubing in the den.

Mike looks pretty happy here, I know he was excited to start working on the radiant floor.

Mike's dad sure knows how to have fun on the job...always goofin' around :)

Mike's installing the metal plates that hold the tubing in place and help to disburse the heat.

Here's the tubing going through the joists.

The pro-stripper/ master-woodworker hard at work stripping varnish off recycled trim boards.

In between the rains Mom, Grandma and Grandpa were able to get some stripping done, but I think Grandpa was happier inside with the boys.

Ah, the signs of spring! Here's a shot of a Downy Serviceberry in bloom. It was so pretty for a whole three days.

Mom's cooking up a storm while Spencer watches to make sure nothing is dropped.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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