With the soffits built last month, Mike continued working on the kitchen and the dining room. He installed can lights in the kitchen, wired the kitchen and ran the gas line. Then he installed the heat reflector in the ceiling and went a bit wacky...check out the pictures and you'll see what I mean.

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There's a lot of wood...those are our soffits and then you can see the can lights that will light up our kitchen.

Here's the backside of the refridgerator niche.

Here's a platform that the fridge will sit on.

This is the gas line that Mike ran for the stove.

Here are the can lights again...finally we've got some decent light in our kitchen.

Here's the heat reflector that will send the heat from the radiant tubes in the second floor right back up to the second floor.

Here's an opening in the soffit for the soon to be installed AC ducts.

Here's Mike being nutty...must be late at night after a long day of stapeling up reflector stuff.

Here he is trying to freak out the dog.

Of course Mike had to get the whole bunch of us acting crazy w/ the aluminum cap.

I am sure Mike's proud of this photo...look, I'm holding up the soffit...or maybe my alien ship is coming to take me away.

The dog even joined in the fun.


Ah, Grace...the only normal one in the family!


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This site was last updated: September 4, 2008 11:10 PM


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