We seem to keep moving along. It's great to be seeing so much progress! Mike got a bunch of wiring done this month, he installed our exhaust fan, hung the door and started trimming out the bathroom. He even built and leveled walls while I hung insulation and stripped the bathroom trim and door. We had 90 sheets of drywall delivered and had Brian come down for a day to help hang drywall on the ceilings. We finished off the month and the year with a 10 mile hike in Maryland.

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attic wiring

We had been dealing with shoplights and extension cords in the bathroom, so Mike ran wiring through the attic.

more attic wiring

Here are a number of the wires for the bathrooms and the spare room.

bathroom vent light

Here's our new lighted vent. Mike had to put another hole in the roof, but we only have one motor to vent both bathrooms.

inline exhaust fan

The in-line exhaust, bathroom vent. We still need to hook up the master bath, but that isn't too high on the priority list right now.

bathroom plugs

It's amazing how a little thing like lights, fans and plugs can be so exciting. Just try going without for a while and you'll see what I mean!

bathroom mirror

Here's our bathroom mirror and sconces. The light bulbs have since been replaced and the shades will likely get replaced at some point, but the lights were only $30 each so we couldn't pass them up.

bathroom baseboard

Here's a look at the baseboard. We didn't like the white so much, so we chose a few shades darker than the walls.

insulated spare room

This is the spare room, I hung the insulation while Mike was working on wiring up in the attic.

leveled wall

I have no clue how Mike did this, but here's our hallway that is now completely leveled. Thanks to a heck of a lot of new wood.

wall and support beam

This is a major support beam from the original 1886 house. Notice Mike's handy work leveling out the walls.

spare room wall

A completely new doorway and wall for the spare room.

spare room closet

Here's a look at the closet in the spare room.

christmass table

Our Thanksgiving side board was turned into our Christmas table and we spent the holiday here with a short visit from my brother, Chris, and his wife, Emily.

empty rooms ready for drywall

We cleared out the upstairs to prepare for the drywall delivery.

prep for drywall

Things that will be used shortly upstairs, like doors & door jams, were moved to the spare room closet.

plant table

All of my plants had to be moved downstairs to the side board table.

master bath ceiling is going up

Brian came over with his drywall lift to help Mike hang drywall on the ceilings. Here they are hanging the ceiling in the master bathroom.

master bath ceiling

Only a few little pieces of drywall left to hang in the master bathroom.

stairwell ceiling

This is the ceiling in the stairwell, hung by Brian and Mike.


Thanks for your help Brian! I truely appreciate it. You guys hung drywall together much faster than Mike and I could, that's for sure!

spencer's first hotel experience

Here's Spencer at a hotel in Frederick. He liked being able to easily get up on the king-sized bed.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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