Well, we were hoping to get to hanging the cabinets while Mike's folks were visiting, but we did put a huge dent in the wall prep. All of the drywall is finished and primed. Color went up on the walls. Mike hung the cabinets all by himself and then it was just a matter of waiting for flooring. Prepare yourself, our house is starting to come together.

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A project for Dad, Ron worked hard making these door jam extensions.

He walked up and down the stairs several times getting the strips to fit just right.

Now the doors are ready for some trim and some hardware.

While the folks were visiting the phone went out, so here's Mike fixing the lines.

Another project by Mike's dad, here he put in some boards for a top step.

Mom and Dad also got to experience a baby milestone. Grace pulled herself up to standing for the first time.

Mom, Dad and I primed the new walls, I pooped out and went to bed, but Mom and Dad stayed up to the wee hours to finish.

Here's the kitchen, the recessed area is for our fridge.

Here's a nice shot of the soffits all light up.

Here's the dining room all primed.

The morning Mom & Dad left, Mike was able to throw some paint on the walls, here's our accent wall color.

Here's a little look at the kitchen cabinets and the paint chip. I think it turned out pretty nice.

Here's our makeshift kitchen that we suffered with while hanging drywall and finishing our new kitchen.

The painted dining room...it's really amazing that we're finally finishing up.

The fridge nook all painted. We decided to paint the underside of the soffits, there's less trim work that way and of course it looks cool.

This is the original dining room floor before we did anything.

Here's the sander Mike used to take the wood down to clean grain.

Sanding floors is a messy job, the dust ends up all over the house...here's Mike vacuuming the dust up at the source.

This is what the floor looked like after sanding.

I actually helped with this step, staining the floor.

Polyeurathaning the floor

I guess the fumes must have been getting to Mike, he's doing the poly dance.

The finished floor looks so nice!

Mike's mom planted our patio garden this spring, it was so pretty.

The kitchen is starting to come together, the first step was moving the sink into place.

The sink plumbing, Mike was really proud of himself when he was done...but it was so long ago that I don't remember if this was the final configuration or not.

Mike's starting to get it all together, this is the beginning of the cabinet installation that Mike did all on his own. This was not terribly easy since are walls are not square. Gotta love old homes.

First he put the upper cabinets in place.

Then he started getting the lower cabinets installed.

I caved in, what I really wanted was soapstone or paperstone countertops, but laminate was much cheaper and already on the shelves at Lowes.

Here's a glimpse at the new kitchen...In this photo the new drawer fronts haven't been installed yet.


To save some money, we reused two base cabinets that had nice pull-out drawers.

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This site was last updated: October 23, 2008 11:50 PM


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