Currently Under Construction! I have more pictures, but I think they're stuck on the hard drive of our newly fried computer, we've recently learned that computers don't really like lots of construction dust or vacuums for that matter :)

What an exciting month! Our kitchen flooring arrived - Marmoleum Click, our living room carpet was installed, we enjoyed a weekend away on vacation and Grace turned one.

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Here's Mike, Grace, Spencer and I on top of the Paw Paw tunnel.

Grace & Liam sharing cheerios for breakfast. It's so cool to see them together.

This is Grace's evil grin, her Uncle Tim has a smile just like it.

Drum roll please! Here's our kitchen with all of the lights and even a little clutter. Tim and Mike built the breakfast bar in less than a day!

Ah, task lighting!

Isn't it soo beautiful!

Here's our plywood floor in the living room.

This was the just before the carpet guys came.

Now Grace has a large area to play around in.

Here's Grace siting on the gate, she really enjoys moving around on all of the floors.

Grace and Spencer.

Her big buddy.

more photos coming...

hopefully sometime soon...

come back and check it out.

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This site was last updated: October 23, 2008 11:28 PM


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