Once we removed the flooring in the den we realized that we had a few more structural issues to hammer out with the foundation wall. So, Mike's dad decided to come and visit to help us out. While he was visiting, Mike and Dad managed to get the structural issue with the foundation fixed by adding an additional lally column. Then they sistered up the floor and ceiling joists in the den, added insulation in the crawl space and plywood above that. We moved all of the shop equipment over to the den. Then Mike and Dad pulled up one layer of flooring. After Dad left, Mike pulled up the other layer of flooring. Throw in a little van fixing and Turkey day travels and that pretty much sums up the month.

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Here's Mike scoping out the problem with the foundation wall, before he finishes laying the plastic.

Lots of clamps were used here. Don't ask me why, somehow it was part of fixing the foundation wall.

The basement stairs were once again removed and a footing was poured for the fourth lally column in the basement.

Here's Mike looking good in his new bibs...what a smile! :-)

Once the joists were all sistered, Mike and Dad installed ledger boards on the joists and chicken wire.

Here's Dad installing the chicken wire. This is used to hold the insulation in place and just above the vapor barrier or plastic.

Here's the whole floor insulated between each joist.

A job well done by both Mike and his dad! The plywood/OSB is now in place and all ready for the radiant floor tubing.

For now, the floor is covered with temporary sheets of subflooring and all of the tools from the living room were moved over to the den.

After barely a break for dinner, Mike and Dad worked anxiously cutting out floorboards to open up and showcase our oak staircase. Mike must have checked out that opening about a dozen times that night, oh so proud of his design idea. I totally agree, it's pretty sweet!

Here's what happens when you leave an engineer and an architect together for too long....calculated perfection and in this case that means levelness! Mike and Dad plugged all of their measurements into the computer to determine exactly how to fix the sloping second story floor.

The guys jacked up the 2x8" joists so that the 2x10" sisters could be put in place. This new joist will level the bedroom floor and what will be the drywall ceiling in the living room.

Here's a look at the installed sisters for the ceiling. This helps bring our distance between joists down to 21" and takes out quite a bit of bounce in the floor.

Looking through the hole in the floor of the 1st bedroom. Mike had removed all of the patched part of the floor to be properly fixed.


Historic Note:

We think this room had a closet and a fireplace/chimney running through it when it was originally built in 1886.

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This site was last updated: February 20, 2006 12:31 PM

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