I can't believe we've been at this project for a year already! Well, this month the main task was the den floor. We rented a drum sander and Mike spent hours just sanding the floor down so that all of the boards were level. Next, Mike pluged all of the square nail holes with sticks of oak that his grandpa made for us. Finally, we applied the stain, golden pecan, and five coats of poly. Other projects that Mike worked on during this month included sistering studs in the master and spare bedrooms, as well as clearing out lots of shrubs from our field. I am sure that was a nice change of pace for Mike to work outdoors.

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Here's the floor before we started. The boards have some paint on them and all of them are a different thickness.


These are the sanders that we rented from MPE. We used a drum sander and an edge sander with varying grits of sanding paper.


We (and by saying we I mainly mean Mike) started by sanding the edges with the edge sander.

Next he used the drum sander. Because the floor boards were so uneven, he started with diagonal passes across the room.

After he finished with the diagonal swipes, he went with the boards and sanded the boards until they were nice and smooth and level.

This is how it looked once he finished with the 20+ hours of sanding!

Here's the finished look with a coat of stain and some poly.

Mike also put in studs to frame out openings for the door into the master suite and into the master bathroom.

He also sistered some studs in the bedrooms.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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