Mike's been putting it in high gear. The baby's arrival is just over a month away. He added some final touches to the baby room, put the last piece of trim in the guest bathroom and tore down the ceiling in the kitchen in order to install the radiant floor heat.

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Floor carpet tiles in closet

We ordered Floor carpet tiles and installed them in the baby room closet.

baby room closet

Here's what I've been working on, organizing the baby's closet.

baby room light

This is a light we bought at IKEA for the baby room.

spring balance

Mike installed spring balances in the baby room and the two bathrooms.

spring balance master bath

The balances replaced the old weights that used to be in the window, allowing for more insulation around the window.

guest bath trim

Here's the quarter round all installed in the guest bathroom.

master bath window prep

This is the master bath window, all prepared for the refinished window.

Mike replaced the window panes and painted the trim.

phone setup

Here is a junction box for the phone lines. It also has a surge protector on it.

phone alcove

Doesn't that look nice, there's even a light source so Mike can see what he's doing there under the stairs.

bedroom window

This is the master bedroom window, Mike's getting it ready for the new windows we purchased.

new windows

The new windows.

bedroom door

Mike stripped the door and hung it for the master bedroom.

Kitchen pre-demo

Here's our kitchen, we have to take the ceiling down so that Mike can install radiant floor heat under the baby room floor.

ready for demo

Here's Mike ready to do some demo....nice beard hanging below that mask.

preparing for demo

All of my cabinets were emptied and covered in plastic in preparation for the demo.

demo complete

Here's Mike after the demo.

pulling nails

Here's Mike pulling the nails...I just watched him do the dirty work. My job came later, cleaning the cabinets and restocking my kitchen.

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:10 PM


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