Doesn't seem like we have much to show for this month. Our first big project was fixing the garage door. This was a major improvement since I can now open the door without having to get Mike to do it for me. The other major project was getting the stairs back in place. This took a lot of time to figure out since all the stairs were originally installed unlevel and not square, plus we figured it would be easiest to refinish the wood while the stairs were torn apart. Towards the end of the month, we went to my brother's wedding in St. Paul, MN. After returning home, I got sick and about a week after that Mike got sick. So both of us were pretty much useless at the end of the month.

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We created a stud wall for the garage doors.

Then we cut out individual panels and hung them on the studs.

Here we have the sides all done, as our day nears its end.

Next, we tied the doors together with a z-style bracing

Then we hung the doors.

Here we are with our completed door.

Mike got the stringers in place, stripped and sanded the steps

Here's a bird's eye view of the staining & varnishing process.

Here's the last coat of varnish.



To your left is the finished look...that oak sure is pretty now!

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This site was last updated: December 1, 2007 3:09 PM


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